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About Light House Architecture and Science
Light House Architecture and Science, located in Fyshwick, is a creative fusion of design and science, delivering sustainable and space-efficient homes perfectly tailored to Canberra's climate. We demystify the process of sustainable design, enabling individuals to build brilliant, energy-efficient homes that are flooded with natural light and gentle on the environment. With meticulous design and scientific analysis, we craft homes with exceptional functionality and unrivalled comfort, all within a smaller footprint. Our remarkable homes boast energy efficiency ratings of 8+ stars, utilising only half the energy required by standard 6 star homes.
Space-Efficient Homes
Energy-Efficient Homes
Comfortable Homes
Clever Homes
Light-Filled Homes
Light-Footed Homes
Heating and Cooling Systems
Integrated Design
Sustainable Design Process
Scientific Testing
8+ Stars Energy Efficiency Rating
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