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About Limitless Paediatric Occupational Therapy Caloundra
Sunshine Coast service working in clinics, early learning centres, schools and homes. Limitless Paediatric Occupational Therapy provides services to children with physical or cognitive difficulties including, but not limited to: - Autism Spectrum Disorder - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Developmental Delay - Difficulties with fine- motor skills such as handwriting. - Difficulties with gross- motor skills such as core- strength. - Dyspraxia - Dyslexia - Intellectual Impairment - Chromosomal Disorders - Physical Disability - Cognitive Disability
Interventions Provided
Limitless Paedatric Occupational Therapy provides the following interventions:
Occupational therapy
Mealtimes/ Feeding Therapies
Sleep Difficulties
Self- care Skills
Social/ Play Skills
Emotional Regulation
Attachment Support
Physical Development
Fine- Motor and Gross- Motor Development
Visual Motor/ Visual Perceptual Difficulties
Cognitive Therapies
Executive Functioning Intervention
Classroom Environmental Modifications
Environmental access
Sensory Hyposentivity/ Hypersensitivity
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Limitless Paediatric Occupational Therapy Caloundra