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About Lisa Dalton Counselling Services
Lisa Dalton Counselling Services In Emerald specialises in relationship counselling, relationship issues, issues with depression, grief counselling and also parental teaching�which involves completing an intensive 10 part parenting course. I have a twenty four part self esteem building course, this involves looking at our heritage and how it can still affect us, looking at the way we look at and see, ourselves, sometimes with negativity, looking at being able to use skills, to take us from behaving irrationally to becoming rational and looking at all the distortions which block our clear view. We look at how the critic affects our behaviours and us. We look at the understanding of compassion�both for ourselves and others�we look at our boundaries and set some new ones for ourselves. In the second half of the course, there are different ways to learn to look at our mistakes, reframing these, learning to speak up and be able to ask for what we need, learning more ways to look at our critical inner voice, which keeps us from moving forward, setting and achieving new goals for yourself, learning to visualise our goals coming to fruition and moving into our deeper hurts and coming to terms with them. Call Lisa Dalton Counselling Services In Emerald today and let us work through it together.
Relationship counselling
Marriage preparation counselling
Parenting course & advice
Dealing with grief, loss or depression
Coming to terms with illness
Information for healing family rifts
Trauma & stress
Depression counselling
Self esteem course
Pre marriage counselling
Parenting classes
Family counselling
Grief & loss work
Self esteem course
Healing & forgiveness courses
Anger management
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Ways to Pay
Fully Qualified Professional Counsellor�Dip. Prof. Coun
Lisa Dalton Counselling Services