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About Living Your Way
At Living Your Way we believe that you are the most qualified person to determine what support you require in order to live the way you want. Our mission is to provide you with every opportunity to live in your own home and community with quality support chosen by you and based on your goals, your schedule, and your lifestyle. Born out of the frustration of unsuccessfully trying to find meaningful in-home support for their own parents the founders of Living Your Way are committed to ensuring that every service we provide is based on the five key principles of personal well-being: 1. Self determination 2. Opportunity to learn new things 3. Connectedness 4. Self management 5. Purpose "Getting older isn't a medical condition, so why is it that so many Home Care providers treat older people as patients who are somehow less capable because of their age and need to be told what is best for them?" Ageing is a process of living and every staff member of Living Your Way respects and honours that wealth of knowledge that your life experience brings. At Living Your Way you, not us, are the real expert in determining what will work best for empowering you to continue to live in your own home and your own community. Our role is to provide the reliable supports that you can trust to be living your way.
Home Care
Community Care
In-home Care
Community Care
Social Support
Personal Care
Nursing Care
Live-in companions
Safety checks
Medication prompts
Escorted transport
Home safety audits
Home and garden maintenance
Dedicated Concierge to support you in living your way
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
National Police Clearance
Blue/Yellow Card
AHPRA Registration (where relevant)
Extensive reference checking
Living Your Way