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General Medicine
Women's Health
Children's Health
Mental Health
Men's Health
Skin Health
Chronic Disease
TAC / WorkCover
Contraceptive Advice
Early Pregnancy Management
Iron Infusions
Cervical Screening Test
cRoads Medicals
Steroid Injections
Skin Cancer Management
Skin Lesions Removal
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Frequently Asked Questions
I am a new patient - can I make an appointment?
Currently our doctors have closed their books to new patients. Do keep an eye on this website as we will endeavour to let you know as this changes. Alternatively you may contact our reception and make an enquire.
How are TAC and WorkCover appointments charged?
All WorkCover and TAC consultations will incur a gap on top of the fee paid from the scheduled. This full fee (not just the gap) needs to be settled in full on the day. The gap will not be reimbursed by any third party such as Medicare, WorkCover or TAC. The reimbursement of their schedule fee will be between yourself and your TAC or WorkCover agent. We do not directly liaise with them on your part so any queries regarding this should be directly communicated with them.
Lucan St. Medical