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About MAD Business
Based on the Central Coast of NSW, we are simply MAD about business, all aspects. It is more than finance, tax & compliance, more than marketing and more than automated process. It's realising an entrepreneur's vision and achieving defined goals. We are a group of experienced and talented individuals (MAD Bunch) focused on delivering the brutal truth, clarifying business goals, collaborating effective strategies and following through on outcomes. We select our partners in business carefully, ensuring we can truly Make A Difference to the lives of the back bone of our beautiful country; the SME owners. Whether it is increased sales, better systems and processes, a new website, managed cashflow, taxation, marketing strategies and branding, lead generation and conversion, sales scripting & process, more financial control, monthly management meetings, covering for holidays or even social engagement, MAD Business has your back. OUR MISSION: To give entrepreneurs the freedom and confidence to realise their visions. OUR VALUES: Honesty - we deliver the hard truths and the good news. Our integrity rides above all else. We cultivate trust through open communication and the delivery of outcomes and we build lifelong relationships through genuine care. Experts - we are constantly learning and we are generous with our knowledge. We discover insights, new technologies and build collaborative strategies to turn them into business outcomes. We participate in learning networks and constantly search for better ways. Outcomes - ultimately we deliver on our outcomes. We are fastidious in our tasks. We get the job done and never give up. We say what we are going to do and do what we say. People - regardless of position in life we are all people, trying to do the best we can with cards we are dealt. Our clients, suppliers, staff and affiliates are all people. We treat them as such. We are loyal, respectful, collaborative and humble.
Tax Consultancy for individuals, sole traders, partnerships, trusts and companies.
Marketing Analysis & Strategy
Financial Reporting
Business Management
Business Consultancy
Sales Strategy
Cashflow Management
Projection Modelling
Business Planning
Business Modelling - a look at projected results if you continue the way you are heading
Sales Strategy and Conversion - a look at how you generate new business
Commercial Analysis - a deep dive into your transactions assessing profitability and cashflow impacts
Taxation - from individuals to companies a premium service with premium results
Business Minding Service - going on holidays, want someone to manage your business.
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
ABN 15991231313
Tax Agent Number 247204727
MAD Business