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About Madrigal Communications
Tender writing requires a lot of expertise, experience, and industry-knowledge. A writer should have detailed information about the project they are writing for. Plus, it should meet the criteria as issued by the requested organisation. Madrigal Communications have highly experienced and knowledgeable writers having experience in writing tenders for infrastructure, construction, public utilities, telecommunications, and energy sectors. We combine business analysis skills with marketing communication methods to create persuasive proposals. So, if you are looking for a tender writing course, we can assist you in preparing compelling tenders that help you win contracts. So, why wait? Connect with us today!
Tenders & Proposals Writing
Tender Writing Courses
Tender Writing Training
Writing Business Proposals
Bid & Tender Management Services
CV & Case Study Writing
Technical Writing
Writing Handbooks
Writing Manuals
Writing Procedures
Writing Policies
Web & Print Writing
NSW Government Tenders
Writing Wuality Annual Reports
Writing Compelling Articles
Blog for Business
Creating Booklets
Writing Brochures
Writing Flyers
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between bid writing and tender writing?
Bid writing and tender writing are very similar. Both bid and tender writing services are processes for creating convincing proposals to win work. They require that you provide a clear answer as to why the potential client will benefit the most from using your service. A bid is an umbrella term for a proposal, quotation, expression of interest and a tender.
How long does it take to write a tender?
We categorise tenders in size from SMALL for work between $100K and $5 million; SMALL-MEDIUM for projects between $5 million and $20 million and LARGE-MEDIUM up to $200 million. LARGE tenders of more than $200 million require a lot more time. A small proposal will take about 3-5 days to prepare if all the information can be provided.
Madrigal Communications