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About Magicality
Di and Woody welcome you to our place. It is a wonderful world of tumbled crystals, oracle and tarot cards, books and journals, stunning jewellery, KAMA Indian Oil and so much more. Over the years, oracle and tarot cards, as well as Affirmation cards, have become a passion for Di and so our range of cards is massive. In fact, people who visit are often amazed at the diversity. Our extensive range includes many of the older decks as well as the newer ones. You will also find many self-published decks and books. If we don’t have it in stock – we may be able to find it for you. All of our books, journals, cards and CD’s are sold at RRP. We love to support Australian artists including Alana Fairchild, Lucy Cavendish, Susan Skyring, Caithe Cameron and Beca Major. Our range of books is always expanding, specialising in all thing's crystal of course. From Crystal Bibles to Gridding books, decks of oracle cards with crystals and “how to” books are on our shelves. Journaling is now a widely accepted way of recording both daily activities and our feelings, and how wonderful to be able to do this in a journal specially created just for those reasons. We are well known for having beautiful pieces of jewellery and lots of gift items. Crystals are such an important part of our everyday tool kit. Tumbled crystals are easy to work with, slip in your pocket or even your bra, grid with, sleep with and play with. Our array is awesome, ever expanding, affordable and extensive and all of our crystals come with its own little tag so you can remember which one you have selected and why. Crystals also come in many shapes and so they do so in our space too. Not only do we have tumbled, but also some stunning specimen pieces and very large crystal plates and geodes. We stock doTERRA essential oils and carry the full range of single oils and the blends. You can also access Australian Bush Flowers. Come and visit our place in beautiful Gympie QLD.
Kama Perfume
Books and Journals
Oracle and Tarot cards
Quirky gifts
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