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About Mandy's Conveyancing
At Mandy's Conveyancing at Speers Point, Newcastle we specialise in handling the legal side of the transfer of residential sales and purchases. Our aim is to provide you with quality conveyancing services at minimal cost and convenience to you. We are a dedicated conveyancing practice, and therefore can focus on your particular matter, keeping you advised throughout the whole process. As buying or selling a home is likely to be one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make, it is important that you use an experienced conveyancer that you can trust. Mandy's Conveyancing is experienced in all aspects of conveyancing in NSW, and can help guide you through the process, advising on how the most current laws may affect your transaction. From our initial consultation, we can advise you on your conveyancing matter with respect to your individual circumstances. We will ensure that you are fully aware of all of your rights and responsibilities prior to any contracts being signed, or transactions taking place. Selling: When selling you will want a contract prepared. We will obtain all necessary documents required to make up a contract and handle all matters necessary to take your sale through to completion. Buying: We will explain the contract and negotiate any changes that are deemed necessary, organise property reports and arrange all necessary enquiries needed to complete your purchase. At all times we will advise you on the progress of your transaction and act to protect your best interests. Why should you use a CPC? As a member of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers NSW Division, a CPC must maintain high professional standards, act honestly and ethically and is regulated by the Conveyancers Licensing Act.
A CPC only handles property transactions & has a comprehensive knowledge & experience that comes with dealing in this one aspect of law.
A CPC carries Professional Indemnity Insurance for your protection.
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Conveyancers Licence No. 1601331
LLB BLJs JP CPC (Certified Practising Conveyancer)
Mandy's Conveyancing