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About Merewether Heights Public School
Merewether Heights Public School, located in the school district of Newcastle, was established in 1970. The school has always enjoyed the support and interest of the parent community. It is a friendly school where the students have made positive efforts to be cooperative and caring towards one another. The school is proud of its fine academic standards. Students are encouraged by parents and teachers to pursue learning success and to achieve to the best of their ability, and this is reflected in the school motto Strive for Excellence. The school is officially open on school days from 9.00 am to 3.25 pm. At other times, including public holidays and weekends, the school is closed. Pupils are not permitted in the school grounds outside school hours unless under the supervision of an adult who has the permission of the school principal or the Out of School Hours (OOSH) care service.
School Planning & Reporting
Transport Facility
Financial Contributions & Assistance
Student Health & Safety
Inclusive Learning Support
Learning From Home
Human Society & Its Environment
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Science & Technology
Religion & Ethics
Learning Across The Curriculum
Scholarships & Awards
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Frequently Asked Questions
What extracurricular activities are available to students at Merewether Heights Public School?
We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, arts, coding, and robotics. Students can participate in choir, sports competitions, arts activity days, and various clubs to explore their interests and talents.
What facilities and resources does Merewether Heights Public School provide?
Our school boasts modern facilities, including shaded playing areas, a senior learning area, library, Multi-Purpose Room, and sports facilities. We have a wide range of STEM equipment, technology resources, and access to iPads and computers for enhanced learning experiences.
Merewether Heights Public School