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About Migration Matters (Aust)
Hello and welcome to Migration Matters. I founded Migration Matters in 2003 and since that time have gained over 20+ years of experience providing immigration and visa advice to individuals and companies. In addition to working as a Registered Migration Agent, I served 4-years as a Tribunal Member at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (2017-2021), presiding over visa refusals and cancellations. Not only am I experienced, but I am qualified. I am a graduate of the Australian National University, where I completed a Master of Laws (Migration) and was awarded the Fragomen Prize for attaining the highest academic results in my graduating year. In addition to my work and study, I have always been active in my community as a volunteer. I was a long-serving volunteer of 12 years at Casey Cardinia Legal Service, providing advice on assisting CALD women on temporary visas experiencing family violence. I am also a published author on migration matters, and over the years, have been a regular contributor to government-led migration inquiries, providing written submissions and verbal evidence to numerous parliamentary committees. ✔️ I am experienced ✔️ I am qualified ✔️ I am professional ✔️ I am ethical My former clients endorse me and also say very nice things about me! Head to the testimonials page to see what some of them have said. I can never make any guarantees on visa outcomes. However, my commitment to my clients is always to provide the highest level of service openly and transparently. If you like what you’ve read and are interested in speaking to me further about engaging my services, get in touch. CBW MARN: 0324641
Partner Visas
Work Visas
Business Visas
Skilled Visas
Visitor Visas
Family Visas
Student Visas
Employer Sponsored
Resident Return
Visa Refusals & Cancellations
Immigration Lawyers
Visa Assessments
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Ways to Pay
Australian Registered Migration Agent 0324641
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your fees?
We charge fixed fees. We are competitive in our fee structure. Call us for a quote.
I can get 65 points. Will my WI be automatically selected for a Skilled Independent 189 Visa?
It depends on your occupation. The EOI process Is very competitive. Although the minimum score to lodge an E0I is 65 points, It does not guarantee you'll be invited to apply. The last Invitation round saw some occupations requiring 90 points to receive an invitation to apply. Get in touch to find out how you can maximise your chances of success.
Migration Matters (Aust)