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About Modify Me CDVD
Modify Me CDVD can transfer VHS, DV, VHS-C, video 8/Hi8 tapes, photos, slides and negatives to DVD as well as transferring audio tapes and records to CD. See them to combine your wedding video with photos, music, and invitations for a platinum wedding presentation on DVD or even corporate productions of business histories, milestones and anniversaries of companies on DVD. They can also created "Here Is Your Life" DVD's for special celebrations, 50th birthdays, wedding anniversaries and engagements on DVD. They also have a recording studio that can be used to create backing track and jingles or "My Songs" CD with your child's name in every song.
Video & camera tapes onto DVD
Photos, slides & negatives onto DVD
Audio cassettes & records onto CD
Backing tracks & jingles
Recording studio
Here is your life DVD's
Custom songs CD's
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Modify Me CDVD