About Morton & Morton
Since 1874, Morton & Morton on the Fraser Coast have helped removed the stress and worry in all aspects of the legal system. Our clients receive peace of mind and detailed advice when it comes to family, business, criminal and commercial law. We understand that the legal process can be confusing and complicated. Our Hervey Bay and Maryborough solicitor will explain every possible outcome in plain English, guiding you every step of the way. For more than 135 years, our firm has handled a wide range of legal concerns including buying and selling property, divorce, personal injuries, contracts compensation, wills and estates. If eligible, we can also offer fixed rates on cases we handle. From the initial consultation to the final settlement, Morton & Morton at Hervey Bay and Maryborough will ensure your legal matter is resolved quickly and with a desirable outcome. Book a consultation appointment with one of Fraser Coast's longest standing solicitor firms today.
Power Of Attorney
Legal Representation
General Law
Buying & Selling
Personal Injury
Family Law
Legal Advice
Criminal Law
Wills & Estate Law
Commercial Law
Confidentiality Agreements
EDL Applications
Legal Information
Police Interview Attendance
Restraint Of Trade Agreements
Telephone Interviews
Asset & Liability Statement
Domestic Violence
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Ways to Pay
Queensland Law Society Accredited
Frequently Asked Questions
What will the outcome be with Morton & Morton?
We tell our clients what outcomes can be realistically expected. In some cases we can tell our clients with certainty what the outcome will be. In other cases there is a range of possible outcomes. We tell our clients what those outcomes might be, why those outcomes are likely and what things will influence the outcome at the end of the day.
How long will it take with Morton & Morton?
Some legal issues can be resolved quickly. Others take a long time, in some cases years. Our clients are told at the outset how long it might take to finalise their matter. Our clients also know that we do everything in our power to progress their matter as quickly as possible. We also keep our clients informed about timeframes as their matter progresses.
Morton & Morton