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About Movement Score
Welcome to Movement Score, the home of somatic and movement therapy in Belmont. Our expert physiotherapists believe in the inseparable connection between mind and body, utilising movement as a powerful tool for emotional and physical integration. Our sessions are carefully designed to help you enhance movement in a safe and enjoyable environment. Through exercises, dance, movement, and breath, we support your holistic wellbeing, fostering change in body and mind. Experience the transformative journey of dance movement therapy, where you reconnect with your inner sensations, awaken movement pathways, and deepen your understanding of self, others, and the environment. Join us today and unlock the limitless potential of your body and mind.
Somatic and movement therapy
Physical and emotional wellbeing
Unity of body and mind relationship
Dance movement therapy
Embodied experience
Inner sensations
Perceptions of the body
Movement pathways
Understanding of self, others, and the environment
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