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About Murray & Associates (QLD) Pty Ltd
Murray & Associates is one of the most prominent Surveying and Town Planning consultancies in Queensland establishing seven offices across the Sunshine Coast and in regional Qld since 1946. Our experienced Land Surveyors, Town Planners and Development Consultants based in Maroochydore, Nambour, Caboolture and Gympie service all of South-East Qld, with our other offices covering the Western Downs, Maranoa and Central Highlands regions. We offer a range of surveying services including cadastral, construction, engineering & mining surveying, boundary realignments and identification, easements, subdivisions and leases.Our Town Planners deliver accurate land use advice and feasibility for small and large projects and subdivisions and tailored outcomes for development applications, planning permits, council approvals, mediation and advocacy.The highly integrated teams deliver professionalism, expertise and value to any size private, commercial or government project.With a commitment to investing in people development, innovative processes and technology, you get clear, concise, accurate advice and service when you need it most.Taking a dynamic, multi-disciplinary approach to each project, our strong working client relationships are nurtured from infancy to fully understand your needs to achieve timely, tailored outcomes.The partnership we strive to build with you is based on being approachable, flexible and supportive - whether it's your first time or you've been doing it for years.Experience confidence in your next project with a team you can rely on, contact Murray & Associates today to discuss your needs.Visit our website for all the latest news, projects and client feedback.
Development Applications
Project Management
Subdivision Management
Land Development
Planning Approvals
Planning Permits
Change of Existing Use
Council and Government Liaison and Negotiation
Urban Planning
Strata Title
Due Diligence Reports
Feasibility Analysis
Appeals, Mediation and Advocacy
Land Surveying
Boundary Identification
Boundary Realignment
As-Constructed Survey
Building Setout Survey
Building Format Plans
Cadastral Title Survey
Community Titling
Construction Staking
Construction Survey
Contour Survey
Detail Survey
Development Survey
Easements and Covenants
Engineering Survey
Irrigation and Agribusiness Survey
Hydographic Survey
Building Lease Survey
Mining & Exploration Survey
Plan Sealing
Road Survey
Site Planning Survey
Slope Analysis Survey
Stockpiles, Earthworks and Volumes Survey
Subdivision Survey
Cadastral Survey
Oil and Gas Well Survey
Professional planning advice & due diligence appraisals
Reconfiguration of lots (small/large scale subdivisions & boundary realignments)
Material change of use
Preliminary approval to vary the effect of a planning scheme
Environmentally relevant activities
Facilitation of operational works approval/s
Application coordination & management
Statutory public notification
Calculation of infrastructure charges
Approval negotiation
Change to development approvals & extension of relevant periods
Show cause & enforcement responses
Without prejudice representation for court appeals
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Queensland Surveyors Board
Urban Development Institute of Australia
Planning Institute of Australia
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