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About My Job Mentor Career Services
My Job Mentor is a friendly, professional, knowledgeable, personalised, supportive and easy to use career coaching and resume service to assist you to make your next career move with confidence! We are super passionate about providing you the best service, quality documents and career support services so that you stand out candidate in a crowded market. Our resumes and career documents are individually written, are ATS friendly (we don't use templates) and we have a range of packages to suit your budget. We offer an in-depth consultation so that we get to know you, your experience, skills, knowledge and career goals, which then makes it easy for us to highlight what you have to offer and package it in a way that today's employers like to see. We've assisted Newcastle locals with career coaching, resumes, cover letters, selection criteria from all sorts of industries and backgrounds. We work with migrant professionals to understand and navigate the Australian market and give graduates expert advice to enter the market with confidence. We provide outplacement workshops, seminars and webinars to companies wishing to support their staff through career transition or redundancy. Contact us today via text, email, phone or online enquiry!
Professional Resume, Cover Letters, Selection Criteria Documents
Resume Reviews (with feedback), Editing & Updates
Interview Skills Coaching & Mock Interview Practice
LinkedIn Profile Creation & Updates
Career Transition Coaching
Job Search Strategies & Coaching
Navigating the 'Hidden Job Market' Coaching
Online Applications Support
eBooks, Presentations, Seminars, Workshops & Webinars
Graduate Employment Program Applications
Migrant Professionals Career Support
Mature Age Apprenticeship Applications
Government and Council Applications
Presenting a business case for a pay rise and preparing for performance reviews
Degree qualified resume specialist - 20+ yrs experience
Interview skill coaching - Blitz the interview, boost confidence & performance
Career transition mentoring - Support you to make your next career move
Selection criteria cover letter - Professional government/council applications
Graduates - Career documents, advice, mentoring and support
Management, Professionals, Tradies, Mining, Government, Health, Admin, Sales
LinkedIn Profiles - Personal branding and networking
Job search strategies - Action plans for success
School leavers - Support to enter the job market
Every order receives additional resources - 'Client Success Pack'
We make you STAND OUT in a crowded, competitive market
Returning to the workforce after a career break - Qualified advice
Packages to suit everyone's needs & budget
Face-to-face, phone or Skype consults
Professional & experienced career advice
A simple, fast & easy to use service
5 rating
14 reviews
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Graduate Certificate in Career Development
Professional Member of Australian Career Development Association
Job Search Trainer, Job Search Skills Award Recipient
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a qualified and experienced writer?
Yes, I hold a Graduate Certificate in Career Development and an undergraduate degree in Education. I have 20+ years experience in the career industry.
Are you a member of an industry body?
Yes, I am a member of the Career Development Association of Australia and Career Directors International
My Job Mentor Career Services