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About Natural Medicine Family Practice
The Naturopaths at Natural Medicine Family Practice combine the most recent medical scientific research with traditional natural medicine practices to restore optimal health. Your initial consultation will involved a thorough investigation of your particular health concerns, health history, current physical condition and lifestyle factors such as diet, stress, emotional concerns, alcohol and tobacco use, sleep and exercise. A range of examinations and diagnostic tests may be carried out, including iridologist, hormone and food allergy testing, mineral analysis, bio-impedance analysis and functional system testing. Herbal medicine: Herbs contain a diverse range of active ingredients which improve the function of specific systems of your body. Easily taken as tablets, liquid tinctures or teas, herbs provide an effective natural solution to many health problems. Herbal medicines have a long history of traditional use which is supported by a growing body of scientific evidence. Nutritional medicine: Nutritional medicines are used to restore low levels of specific nutrients that are causing signs and symptoms of illness and disease. Deficiencies are caused by inadequate diet, poor digestion, increased needs (pregnancy, high levels of physical activity, stress, illness), toxins, current food production systems and enhanced farming methods that lead to nutritionally depleted foods. Homeopathy and Bach Flower essences: Restore imbalances in the body with low dose medicines that specifically match your symptoms. Lifestyle advice: We will develop realistic and achievable lifestyle adjustments to optimise your health. Advise is provided on eating patterns, stress management techniques, sleep quality and activity levels.
Herbal Medicine
Nutritional medicine
Lifestyle advice
Homeopathy & Bach Flower essences
Women's health
Digestive problems
Cancer support
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ANTA 9355
Natural Medicine Family Practice