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About Norco Rural
Norco Rural are the farm equipment and rural supply specialist to see for all your farming and property needs. With outlets across the Port Stephens region, including Gloucester, Dungog and Heatherbrae our team of rural specialists continue to provide the service and advice that our business was founded on Our story began in Northern NSW. Central to the growth of our business was the co-operative, which was established in Byron Bay in 1895. It was to become the stem of the family tree and in the flux of time, absorb all of the other co-operatives as well as the proprietary interests. After a series of name changes we became NORCO in 1926. Synonymous with the history of the Far North Coast NORCO became a base that supported the region's economy. As the years progressed we expanded our operations to include the Port Stephens region. We provide a wide range of farming and rural supplies, including fencing materials, produce and grain, animal feed supplement, agricultural chemicals and much more. Today we remain a diverse agricultural Co-operative committed to building our financial strength and stability, which includes enhancing the economic vitality and diversity of the rural and regional communities in which we operate, securing a sustainable supply chain and developing win-win partnerships in the markets that we serve. With a huge range of services for the rural and farming communities, Norco Rural continues to play a major role providing quality advice and a wealth of experience for those on the land. We employ over 600 people and are committed to maintaining our proud history for years to come. Today we salute our forefathers, we hope we made you proud.
Produce and grain
Agricultural chemicals
Fencing supplies
Animal feed
Beef & sheep range
Dairy feed range
Horse feed range
Pig feed range
Poultry feed
Hobby farm feed
Farming and rural suppliers
Precision agriculture
In-store shopping
In-store pick-up
Stores in Heatherbrae, Dungog and Gloucester
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