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About North Coast Medical Centre
North Coast Medical Centre in Byron Bay is a GPA accredited general medical practice providing quality care to Byron Shire residents and visitors. Offering patients the best medical practitioners: Doctors, General Practitioners (GP), Psychologists, Naturopaths, Osteopath and Dietitians in a family friendly medical clinic in central Byron Bay. The North Coast Medical Centre Byron Bay are the pioneers in Integrative Medicine, where General Practitioners (GPs) and Doctors work together with Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Psychologists and Dietitians. Doctors and GP's specialising in Children's Health, Mental Health, Natural Health, Addictions, Women's Health, Sexual Health, Acupuncture, Chronic Illness and Youth Health. Centrally located - just 6 doors down from the Byron Bay police station in Shirley Street.
Newborn health checks
Antenatal health checks
Child health checks
Vaccination services for children & adults
Travel vaccinations
Diabetes risk assessments
Cardiovascular risk assessments
Sports medicine
Pre-conception health checks for men & women
Men’s health
Women’s health
Sexual health
Family planning
Medical termination of pregnancy
Skin checks
Mental health plans
Referrals to pathology, radiology, specialists & etc
Lifestyle adjustment advice
Weight management services
Blood pressure monitoring
Paediatric medicine
Real time ultrasound
Dermatology & skin cancer management
Asthma clinic
Diabetes clinic
Polycystic ovarian disease management
Cardiovascular disease care
Medication review services
Anticoagulant management
Supplement prescription & reviews
Personalised herbal medicine prescriptions
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North Coast Medical Centre