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About North Queensland Physiotherapy Centre
Under the Directorship of experienced Sports Physiotherapist Steve Sartori, North Queensland Physiotherapy Centre has been operating since 1996, based in Townsville, North Queensland. Our team of nine Physiotherapists pride themselves in offering a �hands-on' approach, personalised level of expertise and an active rehabilitation approach, using a wide range of drug-free techniques that can relieve pain, restore movement and prevent further problems. Our team treat people of all ages with physical problems caused by illness, accident or aging. Being a physiotherapist at North Queensland Physiotherapy Centre (NQPC) is all about teamwork. As well as being able to build a rapport with our patients, we feel it is equally important to maintain communication with their relatives or carers as well as occupational therapists, GP's, health visitors, district nurses and social workers. Call us today for an appointment.
Braces & Supports
Electrotherapy & Consumables
Exercise & Rehabilitation
Hot & Cold Packs
Massage Equipment
Strapping Tapes & Creams
Pregnancy Belts & SRC Pregnancy & Recovery Shorts
Sports Injuries
Workplace Injury Management
Post Surgery Rehabilitation
Neck Pain
Clinical Pilates
Back Pain
Dry Needling
Screening & FCE
Occupational Therapy
Musculoskeletal Screening
Real Time Ultrasound
Exercise Prescription
Rehabilitation Training
Home Visits
Musculoskeletal Screenings
Pre Employment Screenings
Pre-placement Function Capacity Assessments
Pre-placement Fit for Work Assessments
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Lung function Screening
Sports Specialists
Operating in Townsville for over 20 years
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for a concessional discount and must they be sighted?
High school students, Full-time tertiary students (full-time university/TAFE) and retired pension card holders. Yes, concession cards must be sighted as the number is recorded in our system.
Do we except private health cards / process HICAP rebates at time of payment?
Yes we do. If you are entitled to a private health rebate and have your private health fund card with you at time of consult and payment, then we are able to process the HICAP rebate and then you pay the difference.
North Queensland Physiotherapy Centre