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About Northern Immigration Australia Darwin
Northern Immigration Australia (NIA) is an Australian-German owned visa and recruitment service. At NIA we deliver professional, efficient and reliable service for a fair price. We have a team of qualified and registered migration agents as well as experienced recruiters specialised in international recruitment. We offer the following services: Visas, Citizenship, Recruitment, Appeals as well as submission writing and contract work for fellow migration agents. Our services: - Temporary & Permanent Visas - Business Sponsorships & Nominations - Recruitment Solutions - Permanent Residency & Citizenship - Refusals, Cancellations, Notices & Appeals
Our services:
- Temporary & Permanent Visas
- Business Sponsorships & Nominations
- Recruitment Solutions
- Permanent Residency & Citizenship
- Refusals, Cancellations, Notices & Appeals
skilled migration, employer sponsored migration, 457 visas, business visas, state nomination visas, partner visa
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ABN 70 098 590 305
MARN 1678604
Membership #13197 Migration Institute of Australia
Northern Immigration Australia Darwin