About N P Financials
Founded in 2013, NP Financials is Australia's regulated Prop Trading Firm at Melbourne, Australia. We provide both Training and Funding to Forex, Shares, Commodities, Indices, and Crypto Traders. We help Traders to overcome the biggest obstacle of all they face in the form of not having enough Trading Capital. Our Trader Auditions are designed to find good risk managed Traders and Fund them. Since our inception, we have trained thousands of aspiring traders around the world and revolutionized advanced concepts in trading. Our impressive track record speaks for itself - with a high rate of client retention due to successful trades yielding over 762 points per month on average! https://npfinancials.com.au
Forex Trading
Share Trading
Commodity Trading
Index Trading
Intraday Trading
C.Currency Trading
Foreign Exchange Contract
General Financial Consultations
Derivative Consultations
Securities Exchange Consultations
Bond Trading
Forex Education
Indices Trading
Market Scanning
Trading System Development
Trading Style Development & Education
Trading Coaching
Mentoring & Tutoring
Funded Trading
Trading Capital Calculations
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