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Oak Flats Vet Clinic

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About Oak Flats Vet Clinic

Details about Oak Flats Vet Clinic Veterinary Surgeons Dr Aine Seavers MVB, MRCVS Dr Mark Weingarth BVSc Companion Animal Clinic Only- our highly experienced vets look after Family Pets only and do it very well. Patient Welfare is at the heart of every consult. All our staff understand how scary it is for you when your beloved family pet is unwell or has a special personality trait. Tell our staff if you yourself are concerned or if your pet has issues that make visiting a vet clinic a stressful event. We want to work with our clients to try and make it so that all the pets feel safe and loved in our clinic if they have to visit. Oak Flats Vet Clinic is a Family run business. Your Veterinary fees are staying in the local community and supporting local workers Our vets did not dream as children to become a vet so as to satisfy the stock market; they became vets to be advocates on behalf of the animals they are privileged to have as their patients. Because we are not a Stock Exchange listed Corporate Vet business that needs to make profits for the shareholders, our veterinary staff are not reviewed on how they meet daily financial targets. As a result, our staff can customise the care for each and every animal presented to us. The medical vet care for the pet becomes affordable for almost every family when our vets have the freedom to pick and select only what tests they feel need to be done for your particular pet. At Oak Flats vet clinic, you can book to see the same vet each time. On-line booking for appointments is now available on our website www.oakflatsvet.com.au or via our free Vet Clinic App. Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9-11am and 3-5.40pm for Consultations Monday to Friday 9am-5.40pm for purchases Saturday 9-11.40 for Consultations and purchases Consultations are by appointment, although emergencies will be seen out of turn if necessary House visits are available by appointment Hospital facilities Routine examinations and vaccinations for dogs, cats and rabbits etc: X-ray facilities, including Digital imaging and digital copies for owner. Minor and Major surgery is performed onsite, including orthopaedic repairs Rapid turnaround blood testing by major laboratories Skin disease investigation including biopsy techniques for accurate diagnosis of persistent skin problem. A wide range of Pet supplies including: Bayer Advocate, Advantage and Advantix, Bravecto Tick and Flea Chewable All-wormers and Heartworm preventatives Veterinary shampoos and skin treatment products Hills Prescription and Science Diets for dogs and cats Royal Canin Diets for dogs and cats Leads, harnesses and collars Vetafarm food, wormers and other products for Birds


  • Bayer Advocate, Advantage and Advantix,

  • Bravecto Tick and Flea Chewable

  • All-wormers and Heartworm preventatives

  • Veterinary shampoos and skin treatment products

  • Hills Prescription and Science Diets for dogs and cats

  • Royal Canin Diets for dogs and cats

  • Leads, harnesses and collars

  • Vetafarm food, wormers and other products for Birds


  • General veterinary treatment domestic pets

  • Dog & cat vaccination

  • Deworming

  • Flea & tick control

  • Desexing

  • Microchipping


58a Central Ave, Oak Flats NSW

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Oak Flats Vet Clinic