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Life Cover
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance
Trauma Insurance
Income Protection
Business Expenses Insurance
Financial Protection
Investment Advice
Retirement Planning
Budgeting & Cashflow Management
Wealth Accumulation
Corporate Super
Disability Insurance
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does life insurance work?
Life insurance is an agreement between your and the life insurance company. You make regular payments called premiums and the insurance company pays a lump sum benefit to your beneficiary in the event of your untimely death. This is usually tax-free but can be taxable under certain circumstances. Other forms of benefits are generally tax free as well depending on their structure.
Do I need life insurance and how much coverage do I need?
Most likely yes. Especially if someone depends on you for financial support. When you're starting a family, you probably want to have enough to clear any debts and replace your income, so your spouse or partner and children have the support they need.
Ogle Advisers