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About Out on a Limb Tree Services
We are an owner-operated business and Qualified Arborist Lucas Holland is well recommended among locals as a trusted, highly experienced, skilled and friendly tree lopper with over 20 years of hands on industry experience. You can be assured that when you meet Lucas for your FREE INSPECTION AND QUOTE he will be the man that comes to do the tree work.. We are Professional, Ethical and an Environmentally Aware Tree Company. We specialise in Dangerous Tree Removal for trees that have been Storm Damaged or Diseased and we can assist you with your insurance claims. Above all we take safety seriously. So when working we take the greatest care to ensure the safety of all people on site, as well as the safety of your house, property and belongings. We can offer a variety of additional services including lodgement of Council Development Applications, Vegetation Management Plans and mapping of Asset Protection Zones for Fire Hazard Reduction. We keep our rates very competitive to give you the best price possible. Out on a Limb Tree Services operate throughout the Byron Shire and surrounds.
Tree Felling and Lopping,
Tree Pruning, Shaping and Maintenance.
Dangerous Tree Removal
Major Storm Damage
Diseased and Dead Trees
Over Buildings
Chipping and Green Waste Removal
Stump Grinding
Residential and Rural Tree work
Tree work for Real Estate - Sale and Rental Properties
Council Development Application Lodgement
Insurance Claims
Mapping of Asset Protection Zones for Fire Hazard Reduction
Vegetation Management Plans
Free Quotes
Specialising in Dangerous Tree Removal
Storm Damage or Diseased Trees
Tree Removal over buildings
Tree Removal in confined spaces like court yards.
Tree Removal in Rugged Terrain
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Ways to Pay
ABN Registered
OH&S Compliant
Green Card
White Card
TAFE Cert III Arborist
Senior First Aid
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