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YAG Laser Capsulotomy
Laser Retinopexy
SLT Laser
Intravitreal Injections
Anti-VEGF Medications
Eye Treatments
Corneal Collagen Cross Linking
Intense Pulse Light Therapy
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I drive myself to my appointment?
No, your eyes will need to be dilated in order for the specialists to be able to assess the condition of the back of your eye. The drops used to dilate the eye can take apx 2 hours to wear off and it is not safe to drive during this time. You should anticipate that your eyes will need to be dilated at every appointment.
How long will my appointment take?
You can expect to be at the clinic for 1 – 1.5 hours, this may be shorter or longer depending on what tests need to be done and how your eyes react to the drops that are needed to dilate your eyes.
Outlook Eye Specialists Southport