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About Oz Clipper Supplies
At Oz Clipper Supplies, we supply quality blades and clippers suited for all breeds of dogs, cats, goats, sheep and much more. Our team also provide a comprehensive sharpening service for your existing clippers and sheering blades. We work closely with Mike of M & L Blade Service in Bundaberg, and we guarantee the highest standard of customer service. To help you sustain consistent quality for your clipping, grooming and sheering, at Oz Clipper Supplies, we only sell products from leading brands. These include WAHL, Oster, Shear Magic, Purina de-shedders, Andis, Heiniger, Black Panther sheers and scissors and Moser. We sharpen all the products we sell. At Oz Clipper Supplies, we welcome phone orders and if you have to wait, we'll pay the freight. Other kinds of equestrian grooming equipment can be provided by our efficient team. To find out more about our great range of products, or place an order, be sure to call Oz Clipper Supplies today!
Shear magic
Purina de-shedders
Black panther sheers & scissors
Best in suppliers of clippers & blades for dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep - whatever we can get it all
Working closely with mike of M & L Blade Service Bundaberg
Sharpening services
High quality clippers & blades
Horse grooming supplies
Equestrian grooming equipment
Phone orders welcome
If you have to wait, we'll pay the freight
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