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About Park Avenue Homes NSW
Design and build your dream home with Park Avenue Homes (NSW) in Maitland. We have a range of home designs to choose from that can be tailored to meet your individual needs. Alternatively we can work with you to design the home of your dreams. Our licensed builders have more than 40 years' experience in the building industry, so you can trust every project to be delivered on time and of quality standard. Still looking for the perfect piece of land? Our Maitland sales team know the area and will find the ideal house and land package for you. If you're looking to build a new home (investment or owner occupied), unit, townhouse, extension, single level, or multi-storey home, Park Avenue Homes (NSW) can do it for you. Whether your block of land is level or sloping our experienced builders will get the job done. We've built a range of homes, units, and retirement villages throughout New South Wales. Call us today for a quote on your next project!
A range of home designs to choose from
New homes
Investment houses
Home designs
Land & home packages
New Home Builds
Custom Builds
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Builders Licence 187344C
HIA Member
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I able to select my own external and internal colours and fixtures?
Yes you can select any items you like for your home, from the bricks on the outside to the door handles on the inside.
Do you offer a �turn-key� service?
Yes we do offer a turn-key service. If you don�t want the hassle of laying your own main flooring, carpet, flyscreens, window coverings and landscaping we can take care of some or all of these.
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