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About Partridge Brothers Singleton
Partridge Brothers Singleton, servicing Singleton and The Hunter. We are the Funeral Directors that give you total controll. The details of how the funeral will be conducted are carefully planned according to your requirements. We believe a funeral should reflect the individually of life. Partridge Brothers are committed to excel the expectations of the families and individuals we serve. Our caring staff strive to provide a service which is unique, ensuring each detail of the funeral is professionally cared for. Liase with clergy, crematoria, celebrants, florists, newspapers, musicians and hire car facilities as requested. Organisation of after funeral catering. Lodgement of necessary paperwork to Births ,Death and Marriages, Centerlink and Veteran Affairs Collection of donations to family's selected organisations.
Professional & caring staff available
24 hours a day 7 days a week
Personal consultation with families regarding funeral arrangements & legal
Lease with Doctors & Hospitals to gain
necessary medical certificates
Every financial situation catered for
Organisation of after funeral catering
Lodgement of necessary paperwork
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Partridge Brothers Singleton