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About Pathosans Australia
PathoSans solutions, utilised by electro-chemical activation technology is changing the culture of cleaning by empowering facilities both commercial and industrial to clean and sanitise with eco-friendly, non-toxic solutions. Paving the way towards commercial cleaning in a green, sustainable way. We are not new to cleaning: our parent company, Spraying Systems Co., has been helping global customers solve their toughest cleaning challenges for more than 80 years. Our multi-purpose cleaner and sanitiser is suitable for most industries including, bakeries, food processing, beverage manufacturing, breweries and distilleries. With pending government approvals that will enable our use to the meat processing, and fruit and veggie markets. With sales, service and production operations globally, Spraying Systems Co. enables PathoSans� technologies to meet customer's needs locally, wherever they are. You can learn more about PathoSans ECA cleaning and sanitising solution's on our website.
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Pathosans Australia