About Paul & Co. Property Valuations
YOUR TRUSTED PROPERTY VALUER ON THE NSW COAST Servicing the Central Coast, Wyong, The Entrance, Newcastle, Port Stephens, Nelson Bay and everywhere in between! Cost Effective, Professional, Experienced and Capable Valuers Specialising in Easement Valuations and Unit Entitlement Schedule Valuations. Commercial and industrial reports for Asset/Tax Purposes and transfer.
Property Valuations
Unit Entitlement Schedules
Easement Valuations
Family Law Property Valuations
Commercial Property Valuations
NRAS Rental Reports
Valuations for Mediation
Stamp Duty/ Transfer Duty Valuations
Development Assessment
Capital Gains Tax Valuations
Bail Surety
Probate Valuations
Residential Valuations
Industrial Valuation
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Ways to Pay
AAPI Certified Practicing Valuers
AVI Certified Professional Valuers
Frequently Asked Questions
Are your Valuers qualified?
Of course! All of our Valuers are fully qualified with over 15 years experience in the industry. Our Valuers are members of both the Australian Property Institute (API) and the Australian Valuers Intsitute (AVI) with Certified Practicing Valuer Certifications (CPV).
How long will the valuation report take to complete?
Our Valuation reports are comprehensive and detailed. The majority of reports will be completed within 2 to 5 working days (from date of instruction - depending on access and complexity) assuming all required documentation is provided and payment confirmed prior to release of report. However, should you have a specific time frame or urgent request please let us know.
Paul & Co. Property Valuations