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About Pawtential Dog Training
Lyn is a qualified, accredited, Dog Behavioural Trainer. Continuing education is required for Lyn to maintain membership with professional, recognised, industry approved organisations. (Please note: The dog training industry is yet to be regulated resulting in unqualified dog trainers supplying outdated, unsafe, unethical training advice). Learn how to teach, and maintain, the desired Manners and Life Skills you want in your dog using a force free, positive, reward based training method. This method is recommended by the Australian Veterinary Association, Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Pet Professional Guild, RSPCA, Pet Advisory and Information Service, Delta Society and Veterinary Behaviourists worldwide. The result of keeping training fun and successful, is a dog willing to carry out your requests with enthusiasm. And, very importantly, a dog kept physically and emotionally safe. Pawtential runs classes for baby puppies at Palmwoods Vets. Also, Manners and Life Skills classes for all age groups at Maleny Showground on weekends. Home visits and Private tuition is also available. For those wanting a regular, fun activity to participate in with their dogs, Agility classes are available too.
Puppy Classes, Manners and Life Skills classes, Agility Classes, Walking Harnesses, Private Tuition, Home Visits, Behaviour Consultations.
Puppy Classes, Manners and Life Skills classes, Agility Classes, Walking Harnesses, Private Tuition, Home Visits, Behaviour Consultations.
Specialising in all aspects of Dog Training and Behaviour Consultation.
Providing qualified, accredited, industry approved, Best Practise standards.
Experience in basic training, advanced training, behavioural issues, dog to dog reactivity, dog to person reactivity, puppy training, jumping, barking, anxiety, house training, chewing, mouthing, separation anxiety, recall, walking on lead.
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ABN: 14 965 042 976
Member of the Pet Professional Guild Australia
Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia
Member of the Delta Institute
Pawtential Dog Training