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About Periodontics & Dental Implants Centre
We are a Specialist Periodontal practice who provide all aspects of periodontal and dental implant therapy, treatment of gum disease (periodontitis), periodontal regenerative surgery, gingival and bone grafting and dental implant therapy, among other procedures. Although our patients are usually referred to us by their dentist, other dental specialists or their general practitioner, a referral is not mandatory. At all times our concern is to ensure that any discomfort is minimised, and all our staff are well trained on how to care for you as a person, not just your periodontal/dental problems. You can be assured that an extremely high standard of cross-infection control is practiced as part of our philosophy in providing you excellence in care.
Mild Periodontitis
Moderate Periodontitis
Advanced Periodontitis
Periodontal Supportive Therapy
Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Dental Hygienist
Crown Lengthening
Surgical Tooth Exposure
Post-Procedure Care
Dental Implants
Connective Tissue Grafts
Periodontal Disease
Tooth Extractions
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Frequently Asked Questions
What improvements will I notice after treatment at Periodontics & Dental Implants Toowomba?
Most commonly patients comment that their teeth feel smooth, the gums don’t bleed, the gums are not sore, that their partner says that they don’t have bad breath any more, their teeth are easy to clean and floss, don’t catch food that their teeth “feel heaps better”.
What negative things will I notice after treatment at Periodontics & Dental Implants Toowomba?
Most common negative comments is sensitivity to cold drinks for a week or more post-operatively, teeth tender to chew on for a week, sore gums for the first few days, GAPS Appearing between teeth where the damage was worst, food catching in the bigger spaces between the teeth as the gums heal, low rebate from Health Fund
Periodontics & Dental Implants Centre