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About Peter Klasen Homes
Are you planning on a building expansion for your homes and offices in Maitland, Cessnock or Hunter Valley? Let Peter Klasen Homes help build your alterations and extensions for you. We are qualified and certified builders offering our full and dedicated services for alterations and extensions of homes, offices, shops and business establishments. Peter Klasen Homes builders design and construct custom-built extensions and alterations to suit your preferences, needs and requests. Our builders accept medium to large renovations, alterations and extensions. Our builders provide options for timber and tile flooring installation. Our builders specialise in building slab, bearers and joist homes in Maitland, Cessnock & Hunter Valley. Our professional services include reliable quotations, fixed pricing and on-site viewing. Peter Klasen Homes builders stake our combined 60 years of reputation of perfection for all job orders we take in Maitland, Cessnock & Hunter Valley since 1992. You are guaranteed satisfaction and excellent service when you call us for all your building requirements.
Alteration & extension services
Installing timber & tile flooring for homes & offices
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Ways to Pay
Building Licence No. 126329C
ABN : 20 056 568 284
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