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About Peter Meddows Advanced Driver Training
Peter Meddows Advanced Driver Training can help you advance your driving skills. We work with drivers wishing to obtain any heavy vehicle licence, from Light Rigid (LR) to Heavy Combination (HC) licence classes. We are trusted to put careful, confident drivers on the road, whether they are driving a small car or a semi-trailer. In addition to training and assessments for different driving classes, Peter Meddows Advanced Driver Training also provides defensive driving courses and refresher training throughout Kurri Kurri and Maitland. Our qualified instructors are available to provide corporate driver assessments, training and evaluations. Keep your drivers safe on the road with the help of Peter Meddows Advanced Driver Training. Call today to make a booking.
Training & assessment LR to HC
Road Rangers
Advanced driving
Professional instructor
Defensive driving
Corporate driver assessments & evaluations
Overseas licence conversions
Roadcraft training
Refresher training
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Ways to Pay
RTA instructor & assessor 006559
ABN : 15 002 646 086
Peter Meddows Advanced Driver Training