About Port Stephens Denture Clinic
Allan Cassano has been a Dental Prosthetist for more than 30 years. He strives to provide a personalised, friendly and professional service delivering quality products to his patients. Port Stephens Denture Clinic provides a range of denture related services including, full and partial dentures, same day repairs and relines, implant retained overdentures, denture cleans and mouthguards. Our dentures are made by our on-site dental technician who has had over 30 years experience in the profession. We do not outsource overseas. Your dentures are built by our expert team in Australia. We use quality materials sourced from leading dental suppliers and comply with strict government regulations. Contact Port Stephens Denture Clinic for a consultation.
New full & partial dentures (chrome & acrylic)
Complete Dentures
Immediate Dentures (fitted by dentist)
Same day Repairs & Relines
Wheelchair accessible
Personalised & professional service
No referral necessary - Deal direct
DVA provider
More than 30 years experience
Same day repairs & relines
New Dentures
Made on site with more than 30 years experience
Tooth additions
Maintenance cleaning
Healthcare claims
Oral examinations & consultations
Remodelling of existing dentures
Polishing of dentures
Denture identification
Custom made sports mouthguards
Ways to Pay
Apple Pay
Google Play
Member of ADPA Australian Dental Prosthetists Association
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do Dentures cost?
Every patient has individual needs and denture are available in a range of types and materials. A consultation is required to give you a comprehensive service and quotation. Consultations start from $55 and often this cost can be included in your overall treatment expense.
How long will it take to get new Dentures?
The length of time to build your dentures is determinded by the type, materials and treatment you require. You will usually have 3-5 appointments included in your treatment plan. Your prosthetist will advise you on the overall time to build your dentures. You can expect each appointment to last for approximatly 20 minutes.
Port Stephens Denture Clinic