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About Potts Lawyers
Potts Lawyers are your specialist criminal lawyers on the Gold Coast, providing expert representation fro criminal and traffic matters. Facing the prospect of criminal litigation is always traumatic. You will be looking for fast, practical and strategic advice from an expert who understands the workings of the criminal justice system and can give you the right advice in plain English. Your future and that of your family may be affected by the vigour and wisdom of what your lawyer does right from the first sign of trouble. Second chances are rare. We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. From our offices in the Gold Coast, our lawyers appear in all courts throughout Queensland. At Potts Lawyers, we don't make promises lightly. As one of Australia's largest criminal law practices, we have the resources to deliver. Our lawyers have a combined experience of over 100 years of practice. And as founding member of the Australian Defence Lawyers Alliance (ADLA), we work alongside other leading criminal law firms throughout the country. Whether your matter involves police matters of any kind from traffic or driving offences to serious crimes you will find helpful information on this website. We also represent major corporations in their dealings with regulatory authorities. Legal costs are a worry. We usually work on an affordable fixed fee so you have the certainty of knowing what your costs will be in advance.
Criminal Defence Lawyer
Traffic Law
White Collar Crime
Commercial Dispute Resolution
Litigation Law
Drug Offences
Fraud, Dishonesty and Theft Offences
Tax Offences
Drink Driving Charges
Legal Representation
Police Interviews
Sex Offences
Violence Offences
Domestic Violence
Civil Litigation
Dispute Resolution
Legal Advice
24-Hour Crime Line
White Collar Law
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Accredited Criminal Law Specialist
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have to dispute a speeding infringement?
To dispute a speeding fine, you have to indicate to Queensland Transport that you are disputing the fine 28 days from the date of your infringement notice. You are required to pay the fine after this time.
What is a QP9?
A QP9 is a document detailing facts the police believe they can prove, and the evidence used for backing up those facts. The police are obligated to provide a QP9 document on your first court appearance.
Potts Lawyers