If you have a moral compass, do not eat here. The owner talks to and treats his staff like trash. Sitting here for ten minutes I saw two staff members being talked down to and humiliated. First of all he has a really friendly Asian lady working there. She got a name of a customer wrong on the phone which led to confusion and the customer had to wait for his order for ten minutes. That is a screw up, however if you wish to employ a woman with a thick Asian accent don't go putting her on phones and blaming her when she hears a name wrong and DO NOT tell her I front of all the customers she has to pay for that Pizza. You pay the people minimum wage or close to it how can you sleep at night making them pay at least half their hourly rate for an innocent mistake!!!! Then he begun to talk down and basically stand over the girl who didn't realise the mistake. On payment I told him if he wanted my business back he would have to promise me that she wouldn't pay for the pizza he then told me it was none of my business. Well you small little man it really is, I pay your bills as the customer. If you treat the people who work for you terribly you will not get my business. And then for some reason he thought it would be a good idea to ask me on the way out who I worked for, not really sure that's his business and I told him as such. That angry little man needs to understand the cost of doing business. As stated above if you have any form of moral compass you will not give this terrible man your money.