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About Protektor Electronic Rust Prevention
Protektor Electronic Rust Prevention manufactures and distributes the world's best solutions for rust and corrosion management in Rockhampton. Whether you need rust protection for your boat, shed, house, truck, car, 4WD or mining equipment, Protektor Electronic Rust Prevention has got the solution you need. Our services can be multi-purposed to handle any uniquely individual job that we're presented. We are committed to giving the vehicles and/or equipment you depend on increased protection from the elements, and we can customise our services to better suit your specific needs. At Protektor Electronic Rust Prevention, our products are hand-made for quality control and designed to last even in unforgiving conditions. We pride ourselves on customising specialised rustproofing and corrosion solutions for the specific needs of our clients. For a consultation and to find out more about our extensive Rockhampton range of services, call Protektor Electronic Rust Prevention today to request a quote.
Steel frame housing
Commercial mining and earth moving vehicles
Consulting on: corrosion problems for any vehicle
Custom individual jobs - multi-purpose
Rustproofing services
Never wait longer than a week for a warranty claim
Provide sales aids such as brochures, banners, web access, stickers and more
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