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About Queensland Historical Services
Queensland Historical Services specialises in the research and writing of local, organisational and company history for a diverse range of clients, including State and local government authorities, Aboriginal corporations, local organisations, clubs and associations. We are committed to working closely with our clients to deliver publishable histories tailored to their specific needs and budgets. Although our focus is primarily within Queensland we have successfully undertaken projects in other areas of Australia. Queensland Historical Services was established in 2003 with the aim of providing all aspects of research, writing and final publication of historical works as important contributions to knowledge. We have developed close working relationships with staff at major archival and primary source repositories and maintain a large specialist library and database. All staff have a broad range of experience and are professionally qualified with a PhD in history from leading Australian tertiary institutions. Est. 2003 Initial Consultation FREE Dr MURRAY JOHNSON BA, PGBA, PhD (UQ) Murray Johnson has taught Australian and Indigenous history at the University of Queensland (St Lucia campus), the Australian National University (Canberra) and the University of Tasmania (Launceston). He was also involved with a pilot Australian history course at the University of the Sunshine Coast. He has published widely in Australian and Indigenous history, and has worked with a large range of people and organisations. Major Clients Applied History Centre, University of Queensland Queensland Transport Workers' Union Queensland State Archives Bundaberg Distilling Company Pty Ltd Central Queensland Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council Northern Tasmanian Cultural Heritage Partnership University of Tasmania
Local Histories
Company Histories
Native Title
General Historical & Heritage Research
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BA(Hons) University of Queensland
PhD University of Queensland
Queensland Historical Services