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About Queensland Youth Services
Queensland Youth Services is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation that provides a diverse range of youth support services in North Queensland. Age and eligibility requirements apply per program. Our ultimate goal is to encourage young people to move from being a victim of their circumstances to becoming the instrument of their empowerment. With a focus placed on alleviating issues surrounding youth homelessness, driver education, young parenthood, early intervention to offending behaviour, mental health, education, training, employment and much more, we help create quality lifestyles. We operate on the principle that all young people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, to be assisted without judgement, and to have access to physical and emotional safety. Our workforce is committed to the pursuit of social justice, equity, accountability and cultural diversity in each aspect of our service delivery. We are an organic organisation that adapts and flexes to the driving needs of our people and our communities. Through the valued partnerships we have formed we are able to assist young people in identifying and building their support networks and skills for independent living. Queensland Youth Services is an HDAA certified organisation officially registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission (ACNC).
Youth Housing & Reintegration Service (YHARS)
Young Parents Program
Project Overhaul
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Queensland Youth Services