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About Reef Catchments
Reef Catchments is a not-for-profit company, which delivers natural resource management in partnership with the community to preserve the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region for future generations. We believe a healthy environment is the basis for a healthy region, a place where ecosystems are in good condition, the community is cohesive and the economy provides jobs and a reasonable standard of living. A healthy environment is made up of well-managed natural resources. As such, Reef Catchments leads programs which focus on enhancing the condition of natural resources including water, land, plants, animals and micro-organisms linked to our forests, woodlands, grasslands, rivers, lakes, wetlands, coasts, estuaries and marine ecosystems. Our programs provide a systematic process for better management of the biophysical, social, political and economic aspects of natural resources as needed for human development and growth. Our programs compliment local, regional, State and Federal community and government goals and objectives. Our role is to facilitate on-ground change and work for long-term solutions to protect the natural resources of Mackay Whitsunday Isaac. Our role is also to record and report to all stakeholders on natural resource condition and its improvement. We strive for close involvement with the community, local council, State and Federal government agencies as well as the private sector. We seek to improve community knowledge of natural resource issues along with improving community capacity to deal with these issues, backed by a strong commitment to innovation and efficient service delivery.
Community workshops and training
Assistance to provide stock control
Improvement of instream habitat
Property management planning
Natural Resource Management for the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac (MWI) region.
Reef Catchments provides funding for projects in diverse areas including:
Sustainable agriculture (Reef Programme)
Urban system repair
Ecosystem repair
Coasts and Islands conservation
Management of waterways and wetlands
Landscape restoration
Pest management
Planning for a changing climate
Healthy Waterways
River Restoration
Natural Disaster Recovery Program
Sustainable Fisheries
Streambank & streambed stabilisation
Revegetation & weed control
Removal of barriers to fish migration
Assistance to provide stock control
Improvement of instream habitat
Property management planning
Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership
Healthy environment
Resource management
Records & reporting
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