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About Reiki Healing & Kinesiology
Glenda specialises in Reiki and is a master of Usui Karana & Tibetan Reiki. Offering attunements in Reiki 1, 11, 111 and attunement with Masters Level without the knowledge. Specialising in Vibrational Kinesiology, Body Balance, Clearing Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels of the body. Combined with Reiki on a Master/Teacher Level. Glenda assists with balancing the energy levels in the body via the chakras. Connected to the White Brotherhood and the Syrian Command and Paladin Embassies of Light. Body Balancing the Emotional and Past Lives
Gift vouchers
Kinesiology course
Spiritual healing course
Reiki I — 1/2 day course
Reiki II — 1/2 day course
Reiki III — attunement only
Reiki III — master/teacher course
Reiki Courses 1, 11, 111 and attainment only Reiki 111
Heeling Energy - All forms
Lomilomi massage training available
Spiritual Heeling training/courses
Masters level without knowledge
Body Balance or chakras
Kinesiology training/courses
Reiki I — 1/2 day workshops
Reiki II — 1/2 day workshops
Reiki III — masters level — attunement with knowledge
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Kirwan QLD
Ways to Pay
Gift Voucher
Reiki Healing & Kinesiology