Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation Edward Street
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About Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation Edward Street
The history leading to the establishment of Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation’s (RivMed) current service provision is bound in the history of the Aboriginal Family Resettlement Scheme which commenced in 1974. This scheme was a NSW state government initiative to relocate Aboriginal families from rural remote communities. Prior to that there were seven identified Aboriginal families living in the local Wagga Wagga community. The scheme was funded to relocate Aboriginal families to Wagga Wagga to access better housing, education, health and employment opportunities, for the resettled families. Consequently, there was a dramatic increase in the Aboriginal population in Wagga Wagga at this time, there were more than 500 Aboriginal people in 1982. Unfortunately this program did little to address the health outcomes of Aboriginal people. The reality was something different and the experience of many people was of isolation from mainstream services in Wagga Wagga.
Clinical Services
Corporate Services
Family Services
Primary Health Care
Well-Being Programs
Family Functional Therapy
Intensive Family Based Services
Oral Health
Dental Services
Screening Programs
Health Education Programs
Preventative Health Care Programs
Medical Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does RivMed provide?
RivMed provides a range of medical and dental services, including general medical consultations, chronic disease management, women's health services, antenatal care, mental health support, drug and alcohol counseling, dental check-ups, and treatment.
What is Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation (RivMed)?
RivMed is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive medical and dental services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia.
Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation Edward Street