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About Robyn Lemaire Town Planning Consultant
Robyn Lemaire Town Planning Consultancy is here to assist you make dreams come true through Development Applications to Council. I can prepare Development Applications (DA's) for Tweed, Byron Bay, Ballina, Richmond and Lismore Councils. I have experience in single dwellings, secondary dwellings, conversions, alterations and additions, subdivision, boundary adjustments, Plan Modifications (S96), fences and pools. I also have experience in Change of Use for businesses. I can provide BASIX Certificates for single dwellings and secondary dwellings. I can investigate a property and give you a list of restrictions if applicable.
Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE)
Site Analysis
Plan drafting (time considerate)
Development Application Forms (DA)
Dwelling Application (basic; new, dual occ., & secondary)
Dwelling Additions and Alterations
Ancillary Development (fences, pools, garage, sheds, alterations)
Boundary Adjustment
Change of Use (Commercial)
Section 96 (Minor Amendments to DA)
Property Investigation
Subdivision (Residential & Rural)
BASIX Certificate
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
I have an ABN on request
I have a Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning from UNE Armidale
I am an Associate member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA)
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