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About Rocky Rockers Inc
Rocky Rockers Inc. is a social club that promotes Rock 'n' Roll and dancing within the local community. Our members enjoy weekly dance classes learning a variety of dances and routines predominantly based around the Rock 'n' Roll style. Rocky Rockers also organises and hosts regular themed dances throughout the year with top local artists and bands providing a great variety of dance music. These are open for anyone to attend-so come along and enjoy a dance. Our members also enjoy performing dance demonstrations within the community and for special events upon request. Dance classes: Tuesday evenings at The Masonic Club (corner of William and Kent Streets in Rockhampton) Beginners 6.30pm-7.30pm Intermediate 7.30pm-8.30pm Social dancing 8.30pm-9.00pm If you'd like to get into rock'n'roll dancing with us or find more about classes, upcoming dances or dance demonstrations - just drop into a class on Tuesday evening, contact our secretary or email.
Dance classes (Tuesday evenings at The Masonic Club)
Social dances
Rock 'n' Roll dance demonstrations
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ABN: 23 350 537 418
Rocky Rockers Inc