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About RP's Total Assessments & Driver Training
Heavy Vehicle Driver Instructor/Assessor Classes C, LR, MR, HR, HC & MC Car, Truck & Bus Training Bus Driver Authority Courses Nationally Recognised RIIMP Statement of Attainment for Haul Truck Operations, Rigid, Articulated & Belly Dump, Grader, Front-end Loader/Backhoe, Front-end Loader Wheeled & Tracked, Excavator, Skid Steer, Roller, Dozer
Driving lessons
Driver training courses including:
Light rigid
Medium rigid
Heavy rigid
Heavy combination
Multi combination
Offers a variety of courses to suit almost any vehicles
Offers courses for forklift licences
Provides residents and businesses with affordable training courses
Offers a complete forklift and heavy equipment driving courses and assessments
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RP's Total Assessments & Driver Training