About Sacred Soul Revolution
Sacred Soul Revolution is created by Karlene Pass and offers alternative and holistic natural therapies. Karlene's fundamental beliefs are: I am guided by spiritual principles and practices, promoting positive values, creating life alchemy by supporting mindset changes, supporting you to develop aligned virtues and holding space for you in a safe, gentle, empathic container. I promote compassion, kindness, loving awareness, mindfulness and am seeking to make a positive impact in the world. I have absolute trust and belief in you and your innate wisdom to know the answers to create change in your life. All I do is hold space and encourage the alchemy to occur through various potent, powerful processes. I am excited to offer many services such as Mentoring/ Mindset/ Spiritual Coaching, Soul & Body Alignments, Readings, Devotional Practices, Retreats, Circles and Workshops. Reach out to see how I can support you today!
Holistic Health Services
Sacred Soul Journey Reading
Sacred Self Alchemy Mentoring
Spinal Flow Healing
Sacred Soul & Body Alignment Session
Spiritual Companioning
In Stillness Workshops & Retreats
Mentoring Services
Holistic Counselling
Parental Support
EFT Tapping
Sacred Soul Blueprint Readings
Soul & Body Alignment
Spiritual & Divine Feminine Coaching
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Sacred Soul Revolution offer consultation?
Yes, call us today and ask how we can help!
What types of services does Sacred Soul Revolution offer?
Sacred Soul Revolution provides a variety of services, including mentoring, mindset coaching, spiritual coaching, soul and body alignments, readings, devotional practices, retreats, circles, and workshops, all designed to support your personal growth and transformation.
Sacred Soul Revolution