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About Sam Singh Accounting & Taxation Services Cairns
About TaxSmart� - Founded on experience and reputation in the individual and small business sectors, taxsmart� has become one of the fastest growing accounting and taxation CPA firms Australia wide. We are specialised in accounting and taxation for different entities including sole traders, partnerships, companies, trusts and self-managed super funds and also bookkeeping services. ServicesTaxation Returns - preparation and lodgement of returns for individuals, trusts, companies, self-managed super funds)Tax Advisory - advice on the tax implications of financial decisions such as the purchase of an investment property. Tax Planning and Minimisation - end of year planning in order to ensure maximum tax savings are made. Tax Compliance - preparation of Business Activity Statements, Income Activity Statements, Fringe Benefits, Tax Returns and Goods and Services Tax Returns. Accounting Services, Financial Statements - including the preparation of monthly management accounts Business Start-ups - advice on the requirements when starting a new business such as entity structure and legislative requirements. Bookkeeping - management and processing of all financial records including payroll, superannuation and compliance requirements. Forecasting and Budgeting - planning services to ensure you are not faced with any financial surprises and to set growth targets. Business and Investment Structure Reviews - advice on how to best structure investments and businesses to suit each individual situation Company, Trust, Partnership and Sole Director Registrations - preparation and establishment of Company Constitutions, Trust Deeds, Partnership Agreements and Business Names. Business and Corporate Secretarial Services - including the lodgement of all ASIC forms and the preparation of all documentation required.
Taxation Returns
Tax Planning & Minimisation
Tax Compliance
Accounting Services
Structure Reviews
Business & Corporate Secretarial Services
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Sam Singh Accounting & Taxation Services Cairns