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About SayALot Speech Pathology
Sharon is a certified practising speech language pathologist and the owner of Say A Lot Speech Pathology located in North Wollongong. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science (Speech Pathology) through Sydney University. Sharon is a Practising member of Speech Pathology of Australia and an active participate in continued professional development.
Medical Center
Medical Service
Speech Pathologist
Speech Therapy
Speech production disorders (Childhood Apraxia of Speech), Language Disorders (both expressive and receptive language delays), Cognitive impairments, Downs syndrome, Autism, Reading and literacy difficulties, fussy feeders, children who may stutter.
Children between the ages of 0-18 years.
Evidence based therapies provided:-
It Takes To To Talk (Hanen program)
More than Words (Hanen program)
Talk Ability (Hanen program)
The Picture Exchange Program
SOS fussy and problem feeders
Derbyshire Language Scheme
DIR floor time program
The Lidcombe Program for Stuttering
Makaton Sign Language
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SayALot Speech Pathology